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For Discussion – When Does Self-Promotion Go Too Far?

Posted by reudaly on October 15, 2008 in Writing |

I originally posted a variation of this on my Live Journal, but I’m opening it up here for more discussion.

When is “writer ho-ing” (self-promotion) going too far? Or when does “self-promotion” become “self-sabotage” – or does it?

This stemmed from taking a group off my notification email list because of a discussion begun over there earlier this week. The results are still being worked out, but it started this discussion in a different forum, and I think it’s important enough to take to a wider audience.

When does getting the word out and self-marketing go too far? You don’t want to turn off your readership, but you do want to spread the word as far as possible.

So, what goes too far? Where does one stop? When does “getting the word out” become “if I see/hear one more word from him/her/them I’ll scream”?

I do think I need to put the, “if you no longer wish to receive” disclaimers on the bottom of my emails from now on.

This is an important topic for up and coming writers, small press writers, etc because we live in a world that has limited marketing budgets even for Big House Authors. Where do you draw the line between SELL, SELL, SELL, and STOP?

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