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[Spotlight Post] Lunch with A Puppy

Posted by reudaly on August 8, 2014 in Spotlight |

Today is supposed to be a spotlight post day, and if you hear a weird sputtering sound is me running out of steam. It’s been a busy week, and only getting busier – there’s so much Left. To. Do…. And I totally have changed part of my lunchtime routine.

Yesterday morning. Leo wonders what a watch tastes like.

Yesterday morning. Leo wonders what a watch tastes like.

Our company’s warehouse manager has started bringing his puppy, Leo, to hang out with the warehouse crew at work. Leo is about 3 months old and is a brown mutt, but an adorable mutt, with a black stripe down his back ending at the tip of his tail. He has a spot on his chest and ribs that make the back paw go – and the requisite needle-like puppy teeth.
Leo introduces himself (these were yesterday).

Leo introduces himself (these were yesterday).

Sometimes it hard to see the “good” in the Day Job, and then something like Leo happens that makes it a bit better. And as long as Leo keeps coming to work, I’ll continue to spend part of my lunch time in the warehouse…because…puppy.

Though going home to the Canine Inquisition will be interesting. I keep getting looks from Loki and Diamond that say, “Again? Every time you go out you come back smelling like someone else! What’s the deal?” What can I say? I’m a critter person.

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