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[Writing Post][Convention] ArmadilloCon 38

Posted by reudaly on August 3, 2016 in Conventions, Writing |

I totally meant to do this blog post earlier in the day – but here we are. But it’s still Wednesday. I’m on track. The word counts have been a bit…less awesome…but I’ve been doing random bits of things since getting back from ArmadilloCon.

ArmadilloCon is in the rear view. It was awesome as always – but it’s different from some of the other convention. This one is more of a working convention because it’s really more about writers for writers. The writing/literature panels all had 15 – 20 ish people, but apparently the art panels weren’t quite as well attended. Hmmm… but as a writer, it was cool.

The weird thing about ArmadilloCon is that when people went to panels…they WENT TO THE PANELS – and STAYED there. The Dealer’s Room was often nearly empty (and that didn’t count the handful of tables that either didn’t sell or the sellers never showed). Tea Punk had to skedaddle Saturday evening because of a BIRTH in the family (YAY!!!!! Shiny new fan child!) Never saw many people in the art show at any one time either.

So it was hard to judge just how many people were there. But I still love this convention (and not just because I knew where Michelle Muntzler stored her amazing cookies) because of the professional connections and getting the creative juices flowing, talking to other professionals – meeting new fellow professional (and of course, helping out with Fannish Feud is AMAZING). There are now SO MANY THINGS I want to do – but I have to stick with the plan. There’s a PLAN, darn it.

Saturday got stupid busy, but I LIKE stupid busy. The panels were interesting. I had people (including someone I don’t know) at my 7 pm reading – so I didn’t get to do much more than MEET Mark Finn’s wife (after hearing about her for literally YEARS). But the best part of the entire convention is hanging around tables (and the bar) and having THE BEST conversations with other authors about The State of the Industry and the different experiences people are having with people like J. Kathleen Cheney and Martha Wells.

Now it’s time to get cracking on said plan. Because there’s work to be done. More conventions ahead. More product needed. And SO MANY plot bunnies!

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