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[Write the Story] The Year is 2563…

Posted by reudaly on March 17, 2017 in Writing |

This week’s Write the Story story

Prompt: The Year is 2563…
Words: space station, knuckle, interview, horse, twenty-seven, lipstick, transformation, studio, distribution, assert

“In a space station everyone can hear you scream.”

The interview seemed to come to a complete stand still. Did she have lipstick on her teeth? Cara resisted the urge to rub a knuckle across her incisors, but the recorder was still running. She had to do something.

“Did I say something wrong?” she asked to the empty studio. I answered the question.”

The unblinking red light on the reorder stared back at her. She hated these remote interviews where she couldn’t’ see faces. She could be talking to a horse for all she knew. Goodness knows she’d had stranger job interview in her twenty-seven years, but this one was unnerving. Should she assert herself more?

“I mean, you asked what my favorite misquote is. That’s it. And it’s true all around. Space stations are living microcosms with little real privacy and complete interdependence. Equitable distribution of resources is vital for the transformation of lifeless metal and circuits to a habitable environment – life is messy, painful, and something I want to be part of very much. So please, If I’m awarded this position, I will give everything.”

After another uncomfortable pause. “We shall see.”

Word: 194

Written: 2/6/17

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