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[Write the Story] The Problems of Celebrities

Posted by reudaly on August 11, 2017 in Writing |

Prompt: The Problems of Celebrities

Words: tabloid, existence, dolphin, bunker, surgery, parade, chase, master, smash, possum


“Don’t believe everything you read.” Ariel shook her head. “Especially in that tabloid.”

“So you don’t think…” Cindy swiveled her head to check out her reflection in the mirror.

“That dolphins are the master race? Sure. Absolutely.” Sarcasm dripped from Ariel’s words. “And that’s a weird photo from a parade no shot is flattering then.”

“So you don’t think I need surgery?” Cindy finally turned away from her dressing table in her tower bunker of frilly princessdom.

“I think I want to smash whoever put that idea into anyone’s head.” Ariel paced laps around the tower room. “If I could, I’d play possum until the pageant cycle was over.”

“But Fairest of Them All is the time-honored tradition…”

“Oh letting our male counterparts off the hook? If our existence is based on looks, so should theirs.”

Cindy rolled her eyes. “The Handsome Prince contest is just as grueling. Charming is not the goal there. Let’s face it, in the chase for the Happily Ever After Rose, we’re all in it together for the same shallow reasons – ratings. Not that anyone at the network will ever see it any other way. Now hand me my glass slippers and get your tail in gear. We’re late.”

Word Count: 204

Written: 7/7/17

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