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[Writer Post] ArmadilloCon 34

Posted by reudaly on August 1, 2012 in Conventions, Writing |

No one should be surprised that this week’s writer post is a rundown of ArmadilloCon this past weekend. This comes off as one of the more “serious” fan-run SF Conventions in Texas, but that doesn’t mean it’s not fun. In fact, it’s a blast–and a challenge. And it has some awesome people involved, people I sometimes never see outside of ArmadilloCon.

Matthew Bey, Me, and Patrice Sarath – The Alien Encounter Panel

I kind of overbooked myself at ArmadilloCon this year. They were already generous with their programming for me. I let myself be drafted onto three other panels/events. That had me running like a headless chicken for two solid blocks of three hours each (Friday and Saturday). But, this is a good thing. I do like feeling “useful” at conventions, even though it sometimes means I don’t have time to talk with everyone I would like. I’m seeing people in photos popping up that I didn’t know were there, but would’ve liked to have seen.

We stayed at the awesome (as always) Chez Renee (our friend’s house). She’s kind enough to let us invade her cats’ room (they don’t care for it so much). We were able to spend a couple of hours before dinner at the convention saying hello to people setting up dealer’s room tables or hanging art (the ArmadilloCon art show is Jimmy’s “other” art show for the most part). I loan him to Scott Zrubek for the weekend while I go hither and yon.

Renee Babcock, Jimmy Simpson and Me chillin’ at the Saturday Parties

Last year, Joe Lansdale challenged a bunch of writers (including me) to write a story based on a pulp cover illustration featuring a gorilla and a zeppelin. About ten of us completed our stories, and one was a partial. Joe had us read snippets of the story this year’s Apes in Literature panel (which is one I was in the audience until my 3-ish minutes). Let me tell you that was some heavy-hitting talent, and I’m proud to have been part of it. It’s always cool to see how people interpret art differently. And…that was a scary big crowd to read to…I’m used to about six or so people in a reading. One reading may have been about twenty people, Scott Cupp counted…75 people in this audience. At 9 p.m. on Friday night.

That’s the thing about ArmadilloCon, they do “late night” programming. I had a 10 p.m. panel on Friday – which I didn’t realize I was moderating (whoops). But even with one no-show panelist, and one that had to leave half way through to do a reading, and the late hour, there were still people in the audience to listen to us talk about social networking and internet self-promotion.

That’s the other thing about ArmadilloCon…people come to the panels. There’s no “going to the bar” clause. Julia and I had six people at our Saturday 10 a.m. reading. You do your panels at ArmadilloCon. And you do them well or not at all. I had someone come up to me Saturday night and tell me how much she liked hearing me talk on panels (which is nice to hear because half the time I think I’m nigh on to incoherent). It’s good to know we’re doing something right.

I had some of the most fun Saturday afternoon. I moderated a panel about SF/F Musicals with Editor GOH, Liz Gorinsky. She knows her musicals. And there are so many more than you realize. We had one guy on the panel bringing up some Japanese and Rock and Roll stuff, and Sanford Allen representing Bollywood. And I just hung on for the ride (yes, we even brought up Disney).

Fannish Feud is TONS of fun. Mostly because it’s making stuff up and creatively cheating. This year the pros SMOKED the fans. I did two panels in full leather (because the outfit was requested for the Art Auction), so I may have showed a little more “interaction” than I should’ve in the “How Much Fan Interaction Should Authors Have” panel.

All this was great. Hit parties. Talked to people. And was happy to have only a signing on Sunday (which some people came and bought books). Yay! The one thing (and some of this isn’t controllable by the convention), but I’ve seen ArmadilloCon (and other conventions) mentioned on the news… Sunday night (filming about Noon Sunday) when the convention is pretty much over. I know the Sunday’s the slow news day, but why cover something no one can then go, check out, and maybe attend? I’m amused by the fact, I know exactly the filming, because in one shot AT Campbell is checking out books. I can see almost everyone around my signing…but me, because I’m right behind Campbell. Funny how blocking works out.

More Party Pictures

GO TO ARMADILLOCON. DO it. You won’t be sorry. Now I have to go write a story. I have new deadline coming out of the convention. That’s a good thing.

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