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[Spotlight Post] Day Job – So Long & Thanks for All The Fish

Posted by reudaly on November 7, 2014 in Life, Spotlight |

Today’s supposed to be a Spotlight Post day. A day where I pick someone at random and say nice things about someone else, but today it’s a bit different. Today is my last day of work at my current job. I started this job two years ago because I had to – and needed one. I met some good people along the way – and now we’re all going our separate ways. There’s a wee bit of anxiety – though I’ve accepted another job that starts on Wednesday… they’re still finalizing paperwork, so the “Report here at this Time” email hasn’t been sent yet. But it will come. Then the new adventure starts after two days of between jobs vacation.

I wish I could say I’ll miss my old job, but in all honesty, I won’t. This place is a shadow of what it once was run by a person who does not value the human component. People, in his mind, are tools to be used, discarded, and (maybe – eventually) replaced with someone/something cheaper. And though I got paid to write – in a casual dress environment – that’s no longer enough. I will gladly brush off (or buy some new) my more professional attire for a job that values my skills and my humanity. I am NOT a stapler. Oh, and the DRAMA, I will not miss the drama.
Frankly, today is kinda sad, too. But not for the normal reasons. I will miss my lunch buddy, Leo – the Catahula/Chow mix puppy I’ve been walking at lunch. Today will be our last romp. I will miss seeing the crazy pup grow up into a Wild and Crazy Dog – but that’s about it. A couple of folks have said they’ll miss me – but for the most part my two-weeks-notice has gone, by-and-large, ignored. The days of taking a person leaving out for one last lunch are LONG gone. People here now keep their heads down and hope they still have jobs next week.

I’m glad to be leaving on my own terms (instead of waiting for the axe to fall) – even if something weirdly bizarre happens and the new job completely blows up in my face (yes, I have job-related trust issues) – I’m done with this place. It’s served its purpose. I’ve learned new skills. I’ve made at least one good friend – who got out before me (though not her choice). It’s time to move on, to celebrate the new adventures (we closed on our house last Friday – we’re not moving, we bought the house we’ve been renting – and now new job).
I’ve written up all my procedures. I’ve shown some co-workers what it is I do (when I can – work flow has been kinda spotty). I’ve done provided so many more resources for figuring stuff out than I had when I started here. I’ve done what I can, it’s up to them now to move forward. Hopefully these newer, cheaper models have a problem-solving skill or two. But soon, it won’t be my problem anymore. I’m taking my ball (literally) and going home at 5 pm – and maybe even symbolically shaking some dust off my shoes when I go.

In the immortal words of Douglas Adams… “So Long, and Thanks for all the Fish.”

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